Git newbie - How to wisely make engine source modifications

I’m using engine version 4.6 built from source, modified for Scaleform integration. With 4.7 being released I want to switch over but I will have to redo my modifications. For future reference, I would like to know how this could have been prevented. So how would you guys work with a local modified version of the engine source but be able to merge with future updates?

I know that this is where Git branching comes into play, but I wanted to ask for tips before I try anything that may affect the files on the server. So another question, can I even accidentally make changes to the server files or are my GitHub account permissions set so that I can’t mess the server files up?

Thanks guys. :slight_smile:

  1. Create a fork of the engine, add an upstream reference to the original repository.
  2. Do your thing on your fork.
  3. Oh no, there is an update from 4.6 to 4.7!
  4. git fetch upstream 4.7
  5. git rebase upstream 4.7

That would apply your changes on top of the 4.7 tag. Either way, git rebase is your magic command that you will want to use. Enjoy solving your merge conflicts! :wink:

Perfectly clear, thanks a lot Shammah!

  1. Branch it before making any changes.

Good point. :slight_smile: