Git: changing branch - no option to check out in editor

When I switch the branch of my repo, the Unreal editor does not give me the option to check out changed files.
The files change on disk, but the editor does not seem “to notice” that they were changed.

Do I have to restart the editor whenever a file (e.g. a blueprint) is changed on the file system (either by pulling from a remote or switching to a branch, which holds changes)? Or ist there any other way to force the editor to check out the changed version - the context menu on the respective asset does not give me this choice either!

Hey Guys,

is there really no-one with this kind of experience?

Branching and checking out earlier commits is one of the mein features of a version control system to me.
And if the UE4 editor does not notice these changes it makes it not very convenient for me to use Git with UE4.

Unless this is a drawback that all version conrol systems have in the context of game engine editors?!


As far as I can tell, UE4 tries to use version control almost exclusively to communicate locks between files, and the fact that changes get committed to version control is almost an afterthought. I have never heard of any branching support, certainly.

Every attempt I made at using version control through UE4 (with versions 4.8 through 4.10) with p4, svn, or git ended with disaster.

Lucky for me, I only have a 2-man team and I can manually maintain my stuff in a git repository (without Unreal knowing about it), but then I have used git daily since 2011, so I’m incredibly comfortable with it.

So here’s my question for you: Besides branching support, is using a git backend through UE4.12 actually working for you? I would love to stop manually maintaining things.

Actually I have just started to investigate if Git is the way to got with Unreal.
I have been using Git for many years now with “normal” coding projects and it’s my source control system of choice.

As we recently started producing interactive applications with Unreal, I wanted to find out if it shows any drawbacks in that context.
So I can’t really say that is working for me, as I am just testing it. But apart from the fact that the files can’t be updated in the editor, it seems like it is pretty much the same as using it for other projects.
One issue that we probably need to face is how Git handles binary files and therefore the repo size will increase dramatically and pull/push/checkout times may become an issue. Git-LFS seems to be the solution for that, but I haven’t got around to testing it.

Regarding my update issue I created a ticket on the GitUnrealPlugin-GutHub Page and got an answer for it:

For now the only option is to restart the editor. Mayabe I can come with an improvement to that - I will keep you posted!