I’m doing ongoing research on this, however, I hope someone can clarify an easy way to make sure that when a component/actor is being rotated by the RINTERP node, it takes the closest route.
For example, if the YAW of the actor is -116, and it needs to be rotated to +167, the node is going from -116 → 0 → +167 (a difference of 283 degrees!), instead of -116 → -180/+180 → +167 (Only 77 degrees).
This makes my character in certain places look great, and others, swivel maddeningly.
Put a cube in the level, and set x or y to 90. Then try moving z. You’ll the x and y doing crazy things. They are all interdependent, you can’t alter one axis in isolation ( if you want to use a full circle ).
If you can make it happen in a few nodes, I’ll take a look.
As long as you stick to rotator nodes ( rlerp, rinterp etc ) and only use ‘combine rotators’ to change values ( it does matter which way round you put the pins ), it should be alright.