Gimbel Rotation Forcing Character To Rotate Long Way


I’m doing ongoing research on this, however, I hope someone can clarify an easy way to make sure that when a component/actor is being rotated by the RINTERP node, it takes the closest route.

For example, if the YAW of the actor is -116, and it needs to be rotated to +167, the node is going from -116 → 0 → +167 (a difference of 283 degrees!), instead of -116 → -180/+180 → +167 (Only 77 degrees).

This makes my character in certain places look great, and others, swivel maddeningly.

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Just checking, are you splitting the pins open to change the yaw? That will do it…


I usually do that, actually, but because the character’s rotation is handled on a 180/-180 scale, I figured it wouldn’t work/matter.

Am I wrong?

If the origin float is -116 and the target float is +167, wouldn’t it still take the -116 → 0 → +167 path?

If the rotation were handled on a 360 degree scale, I think it would work. But again, maybe I’m not thinking of it correctly.

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That’s the problem. It all has to be done with rotation nodes, you can’t split them open.

The lerp ( and rinterp etc ) nodes use quaternions to do the calculations, but by splitting and altering Z, you sidestepping that fix.

If you can show the code, I can recommend a way to go :slight_smile:

It’s usually pretty straightforward, just a couple of rules to follow.

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Put a cube in the level, and set x or y to 90. Then try moving z. You’ll the x and y doing crazy things. They are all interdependent, you can’t alter one axis in isolation ( if you want to use a full circle ).

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My blueprint is ridiculously large, so I’m not putting you through the whole thing:

However, I did check all of the RINTERPS and I never broke them, HOWEVER, I did use COMBINE_ROTATORS. Would that screw up the orientations?

I kid you not, the MAIN SELECT screen of my project has a cube doing just that!!!

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Ok, nightmare :rofl:

If you can make it happen in a few nodes, I’ll take a look.

As long as you stick to rotator nodes ( rlerp, rinterp etc ) and only use ‘combine rotators’ to change values ( it does matter which way round you put the pins ), it should be alright.

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You ain’t kidding.

Okay, I’ll experiment and take some more time to diagnose it.

I appreciate the insight.

Definitely using this knowledge moving forward.

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