Giant Unreal Logo Hidden in Default Open World Landscape?

Seriously? Is this a joke, or some strange bug? Using a default Open World level, I noticed the sculpting tools were forming hard lines, and becoming almost useless in trying to smooth them out. Upon further digging, lo and behold: the Unreal logo started to appear. Should I just delete the landscape and create a new one? I’m so confused as to why this is even a thing, and for a level set up to be a basic template to start with, this is really frustrating. Upon searching for an answer to this issue, it seems like somehow no one else has encountered this, or they haven’t bothered to mention it. At any rate, this is super annoying. I’m genuinely perplexed, and if anyone knows how to not have to fight against the landscape forming a giant U, please let me know!

Hey there @MR_Production! Welcome back to the community! So this is actually the stamp applied to the base landscape. Go ahead and click the eye icon on the layer that said flat middle and you can see it easier.

Then go to to the base landscape layer and use the erase tool to erase it. Then reenable the visibility for your other layer and you may need to adjust your terrain there as well. After that, you won’t have anymore worries!


Oh thank God, that definitely fixed it, thank you so much!! I was so confused!

No worries! Imagine the layer system like the layer system in photoshop or something similar, except in UE you can apply special effects to certain layers, special brushes, splines, stamps, and the like. That said, don’t forget to work on a different layer than the base map when you get back to sculpting!