Paid work. I want a fully playable Giant race in Conan Exiles…
i been trying to get a mod like this made for literally years now. I’m not even kidding when i say that this mod is the reason i made a profile on these forums way back when it was originally going to be for Ark.
its been years, and i got scammed last year, so I’m practically on my knees here. Can someone PLEASE! Step up and do me right on this?
i want the player Characters to fully playable. That means tools, weapons, Armors, and other things work with them the same way they would for any other character of normal size.
i want them to be x10 scale(along with a x5 modifier added to all rolls concerning their stats. AKA X5 damage output, x5 total health, x2 total stamina, x5 carry weight, ect) And have a booming sound tied to their footsteps.
their hitbox needs brought up to scale too, so they can give and take damage not only when fighting normal sized players, but also when the fight each other. A stomp attack would be a good remedy to not being able to reach the normal sized players and monsters.
And harvesting nodes could be simplified to the grab function. Like grabbing a tree(the button you push to pick berries) could just give you wood/bark/any other resources you get from trees. Same for Rocks and other harvesting nodes.
Uncooked meat types that you get from players, animals, and monsters would feed you the same as cooked meat does other players.
i feel like the hardest part will be having to resize a lot of stuff, like weapons, clothing, armor, tools, and some kind of door so players can get into their homes.
Thanks for the clarification Midyin. It sounds like a really great idea!
Yeah my only concern is that it will be very difficult and take a lot of work. Also, it is a Multidisciplinary Implementation, meaning it will require 3D Modelling / Programming / Animation / Sound FX etc etc.
It may take more than 1 individual to implement this - for example a 3D Artist and a Programmer.