Giant Finger Skill

Hello, I made an animation on blender, the character’s fingers grow and hit the ground, I added this animation to ue5, I made a nice key assignment and applied to the character and I was able to use this animation in the game, then I tried something to damage it and what I did was add a collision to the fingers and it was to prepare a blueprint for each of them to do damage, then I prepared the enemy but unfortunately I couldn’t cause damage, I used a different blueprint again, it didn’t work, I browsed the internet a few times but unfortunately I couldn’t find it, all I could think of was to find someone using the punch system, after all, both he was hitting with a part of the character but unfortunately I couldn’t, Can anyone help with this please.

Hey @EpiCC! Welcome to the Forums!

A few things to get this started:

  • Would you mind sharing your blueprints? We won’t be able to tell you what is wrong with them if we can’t tell what they are.
  • How did you set up your collision? Did you ad a sphere collision or something similar?
  • Who is the he you are referring to? Did you find a tutorial but not have it work?

Any additional information will be a big help in solving your problem!

Hello again, sorry I can’t upload because I’m a new user, but I think I can explain the blueprint, InputAction(custom)-Pressed-PlayAnim Montage(the animation for skill)-Boxoverlap component(target is finger)-(out hit to hit)break hit result to apply damage-delay(duration to play anim montage)-set movement mode(character movement to walking). And as for the collision, in the Viewport, I added a box colision to the character mesh, and then made the parent socket thumb, and then did the same for each other finger. And finally, I tried the punch system with a video I saw on youtube and that’s it.and sorry for the late reply