[SPOILER]Hey Guys, i can not put on the LPV…
I did follow that :
Then that :
And that :
I restarted all that 3 methode 2 times…
And it doesn’t work, do its normal ? I need a special version fo the UE4 to make it work ?[/SPOILER]
No its ok…i redid it for an other time (4/5 over all) and it worked !
The result is here, but not that good…in fact, it doesn’t look even close to the capacity of something like Enlighten (not even close to Svogi in CryEngine…hope they make it better or they buy the licence for Enlighten as Unity did…)…After maybe for a landscape its largely enought !
Then passing to lightmass GI precomputed and raytraced GI (DFGI ?) for small area of the map…(need to know now how to make instances).
After, if i want to have this LPV far (for landscape), i need to put the size very far. Cause, apparently, the GI is generated around the view (camera or actor character). It mean it loose totally it effect/power and precision when i push it to have the effect far for seeing it on the mountains.
If i want precision and power, i need to set the size close, and with this setting the GI doesnt have any effect farther that 150m from the my view (far objets doesn’t generate LPV GI)…