Ghost Beep Test
Google Drive link to test on Android Phones (Wait 5 seconds then 8.5 on android back press, then you can move forward and will work normally after that, android back press that first to start)…wd?usp=sharing
Player Acceleration Stop and Move based on Location, Timer, and Button Press (Refined, Fixed)
Part 0a(setup):
Part 0b(setup):
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3 (Demonstration on phone):
Timer Stop then Start after Delay on Button Press:
Timer Widget using Blueprints Redo
Get Component to Move When Player is Near
Ghost Time Set on Start and Finish, Reset Ticking Timer to 0 based on Location:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Decrement Timer After Number of Times has crossed Area or Location:
Part 1:
Part 2: