Getting values from the level in attached components instead of BP defaults?

I’ve got an actor with a bunch of light components attached and I want to use it to set up a few different lighting scenarios that I can switch between at runtime. However it seems like I can’t actually get the values from the actor in the level, which basically means that if I set the light intensity of my directional light to 5 and use my save function 10 gets saved instead (which is the default intensity for a directional light).

I noticed that when I had a BP of a directional light class I could save/get the values for the directional light from the level correctly, but the values of the other light were the default values. Any ideas on how I can get the values of all components from the values assigned in the level?

I got it working by creating a bunch of variables that I can edit in the level that set the values of the different lights instead of using the normal controls in the components. Kind of ugly but it works. I could buy the component variables getting the default BP values when Editable when Inherited isn’t ticked, but when it is ticked? Seems like a bug to me.