Getting Unrecognized Type UProgressBar

Could anyone tell me why it is giving me this error? I have a similar class set up to change values of USoundMix and that compiles fine. I’ve included the header file and intellisense even found UProgressBar. I tried removing the UFUNCTION and still have the same problem. Note I am using the 4.5 preview though I am having the same problem when I try it on 4.4.3

#pragma once

#include "EdGraph/EdGraphNode.h"
#include "Runtime/UMG/Public/Components/ProgressBar.h"
#include "SetProgressBarColor.generated.h"

class TESTGAME_API USetProgressBarColor : public UEdGraphNode

	UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = Appearance)
	static void ChangeProgressBarColor(class UProgressBar* progressBar);

I think you need to add UMG module depency in build script

That was it, thank you!

: “I think you need to add UMG module depency in build script”