Getting unique overlap events per body part

Hi, I’d like to trigger different responses depending on which part of the Actor has overlapped which kind of object.
The current bool response simply fires when any part interacts with anything and that is not enough info for me.

Failed Technique: Using Poseable Mesh Components with Set Master Pose Component - Unique Collision bodies moved to 0,0,0
Failed Technique: Using Skeletal Mesh Components with Set Master Pose Component - Unique Collision bodies moved to 0,0,0

Dirty Workaround (There must be a better way): Skeletal Meshes with their own duplicate Animation Blueprints but Unique Collision bodies being fed the same instructions as the Master Component.

Any insight on this would be great, I really don’t want to resort to using ‘On Hit’ Events and desperately need the character to only adjust elements of the pose depending on the issue.