Does anyone know how I can get the unique netID from an actor? I’m using On event overlap and want to get the other actor that overlaps
I think there is a node for that and that you need to plug in the player controller into it.
Use .ToString or get Five way variable.
FUniqueNetIdRepl YourVariableName= PlayerController->PlayerState->GetUniqueId();
FUniqueNetIdRepl YourVariableName = PlayerController->PlayerState->BP_GetUniqueId();
FUniqueNetId* YourVariableName = &const_cast<FUniqueNetId&>(*PlayerController->PlayerState->GetUniqueId());
FUniqueNetId& YourVariableName = const_cast<FUniqueNetId&>(*PlayerController->PlayerState->GetUniqueId());
FUniqueNetIdPtr YourVariableName = PlayerController->PlayerState->BP_GetUniqueId().GetUniqueNetId();