Getting UE5 and Marketplace to work together on Linux

I am attempting to install Unreal Launcher and UE5 on my Ubuntu computer, and I’m unable to get assets from the Market loaded into my projects. The problem is the unreal launcher can’t locate any of my project files on my machine.

So I have downloaded the Engine and the Quixel bridge files from (Linux - Unreal Engine) unzipped them and whenever I want to launch them, just type ./UnrealEditor in the command line.

The problem is the Epic Games Launcher, which holds the marketplace, doesn’t work on Linux natively, so I have to use Lutris. (I also can’t run the UE5 editor in Lutris, as it crashes immediately.) The launcher doesn’t see where my projects are, and I cant change the default search location in the launcher.

I know files in Lutris are in /home/DrT/.wine/drive_c/users/DrT, and in that folder there is a ‘My Documents’ directory that symlinks to the ‘Documents’ folder on linux. If I put my projects in there, the launcher still doesn’t see it.

So my question is, where does the epic games launcher look for projects in lutris? Can I create a symlink so it can see where I keep my projects? Or are they completely incompatable?

Ever figure out a solution? I’m in the same boat.

So I found a work around using Heroic Games Launcher.

What you need to do is go to the “Other” section add the “EpicInstaller.exe” as a game and install it through Heroic.

Then you need to add the “EpicGamesLauncher.exe” as a game and install Unreal through there, then you should have access to all the features.

Finding the “EpicGamesLauncher.exe” is a little convoluted, but it should look something like this /home/“PCName”/Games/Heroic/Prefixes/default/“Title”/drive_c/Program Files (x86)/Epic Games/Launcher/Portal/Binaries/EpicGamesLauncher.exe

Then from there you should be able to run Unreal and Epic will be able to install assets to Unreal Engine. I haven’t found a way to run Unreal natively and have Epic be able to install assets, but I haven’t found any issues besides maybe performance. It may differ for you, but I needed to make sure Proton was set to “experimental” to get Epic Launcher to work properly.

Another work around so you could download assets would be to do this to download the assets, and then manually move the assets to your native Linux folders, and then run the Native version Unreal Engine.

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There are native launchers:

I use the first one myself, for a long time. Everything works great.
I didn’t use the second one.


Found this article very helpful: Accessing Unreal Engine Marketplace on Linux |


I tried the first one and in about 10 minutes (including the Flatpak install) I downloaded my first assets.
That’s as far as I’ve gotten, but it looks good so far.
I did notice it sees my UE5 install, so that’s a good sign.

Thank you.


I’ve been worrying about this.

You know how Linux can be sometimes - you get 90% of the way there and it’s easy as pie, and then next thing you know you’re trying to understand compiler flags and you’ve downloaded JS, Python 1.4 and you have to do a fresh install because it’s all only going to work on Debian Unstable.

But, I have yet to create my first project so we’ll see… (fingers crossed)