Getting UE4 and Scaleform integrated into pipeline

Hey guys,

I’ve got UE4 and a ScaleForm license and am wondering if anyone knows any links to integration videos? I’m trying to make a HUD with a radial Health bar and am not sure how about to get ti done. Literally anything on UE4 and ScaleForm would be helpfull at this point.

I think you should probably contact Scaleform support team or Epic support team for integration help.

The Scaleform UE4 integration is available to registered developers and UE4 licensees in the downloads area of the Scaleform Dev Center.


-You need to grab the UE4 source and the Scaleform UE4 Plugin source (From their developer login. I assume you have this if you have the license).

-Since you likely have the trial you should not have to modify any key information.

-Take the folders from the source and lay them right over top of the UE4 source and they will propagate into the proper folders.

-Build the UE4 engine.

-The final build will now have Scaleform integrated into the engine.

There are test maps with blueprints and all for you to try in there.

Hope that helps.

I was sad to read that Autodesk are holding back Scaleform for UE4 to license holders. I feel denied by core trait in Unreal now and I highly doubt I can get the license without being registered with a company :frowning: A sad day for me indeed.

Aw, give it time, another solution will probably present itself. ADSK is never the only game in town…even though they appear to have cornered the industry.