So sorry to hear that.
This is awesome, thanks for sharing. It works in UE5, you just need to change a few variable types.
can you share Which varibale type to change
its related to cons but i cant get it to Work
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I am trying to do the same thing, did you solve it?
Can you share the UE5 version of this plugin please? That would be so nice of you. I straggled for quite some time but still failed…
bump! Has anyone figured out the change needed for UE5 by chance?
Got it working in 5.4
#include "Rendering/SkeletalMeshRenderData.h"
#include "Engine/SkeletalMesh.h"
#include "SkeletalRenderPublic.h"
bool UCustomBP_Library::BP_GetSkeletalMeshVertexLocations(USkeletalMeshComponent* Mesh, TArray<FVector>& Locations, int32 LODIndex)
if (!Mesh || !Mesh->GetSkeletalMeshAsset())
return false;
const FSkeletalMeshRenderData* RenderData = Mesh->GetSkeletalMeshRenderData();
if (!RenderData)
return false;
const FSkeletalMeshLODRenderData& LOD = RenderData->LODRenderData[LODIndex];
const FSkinWeightVertexBuffer& Buffer = LOD.SkinWeightVertexBuffer;
TArray<FMatrix44f> CacheToLocals;
Mesh->GetCurrentRefToLocalMatrices(CacheToLocals, LODIndex);
if (Mesh->GetCPUSkinningEnabled())
// CPU skinning
TArray<FFinalSkinVertex> SkinnedVertices;
Mesh->GetCPUSkinnedVertices(SkinnedVertices, LODIndex);
for (int32 i = 0; i < SkinnedVertices.Num(); ++i)
Locations[i] = FVector(SkinnedVertices[i].Position);
// GPU skinning
TArray<UE::Math::TVector<float>> SkinnedPositions;
Mesh->ComputeSkinnedPositions(Mesh, SkinnedPositions, CacheToLocals, LOD, Buffer);
for (int32 i = 0; i < SkinnedPositions.Num(); ++i)
Locations[i] = FVector(SkinnedPositions[i]);
// Transform local positions to world positions
const FTransform ToWorld = Mesh->GetComponentTransform();
for (FVector& EachVertex : Locations)
EachVertex = ToWorld.TransformPosition(EachVertex);
return true;
void UCustomBP_Library::BP_SetCPUSkinningEnabled(USkinnedMeshComponent* Mesh, bool bEnable, bool bRecreateRenderStateImmediately)
Mesh->SetCPUSkinningEnabled(bEnable, bRecreateRenderStateImmediately);