Collectible_system := class(creative_device):
Collectibles []collectible_object_device = array{}
OnBegin<override>()<suspends>: void =
for (Collectible : Collectibles):
Collectible .CollectedEvent.Subscribe(OnCollectiblePickedUp)
OnCollectiblePickedUp(PickedPlayer : agent): void =
#Here I am trying to get a reference of which item I have picked up,
As the code i have written on top states, I have created a device for an array of collectible objects,
what I am not being able to do is to get a reference of the Collected item in the callback from the subscription, I am trying to get the index of the collected item in the Collectibles array, or a reference to that object. in the collectedEvent i can only refer to the agent, but there is no way to get a reference of self.
Can anyone help with that? or this is something that is still not available in verse?