Getting the game to end

What’s the best/easiest way to end the game when the player reaches a certain point and displays a message like “game complete”?

I have to stick to gametype=none.


If you want something simple.Place a trigger volume at the end of the level>when you touch it make a matinee fade out sequence and using kismet console comand node type in quit or exit and the game will end and close.

The game closes fine, but I need it to put up a message saying “game ended” is the issue.

If you want something fancy like a material or texture you can do it pretty easily through Kismet using this gem kit: UDK | DevelopmentKitGemsCanvasKismetNodes

A simpler option that just displays basic text would be to use the “Draw Text” action in Kismet.

Thanks for that I got it to work in the end