Hi everyone. I’m trying to work out how to launch games on my S 7 Edge. I have my phone connected by USB cable and everything seems to be working in that department, However, I’m getting the error message:
"LogPlayLevel: Error: ERROR: minSdkVersion is higher than Android version installed on device, possibly due to NDK API Level
LogPlayLevel: Error: ERROR: Installation of apk 'C:\Users\Tweedy\Documents\Unreal Projects\Pro_9_Mobile_Test\Binaries\Android\Pro_9_Mobile_Test-armv7.apk' failed: [INSTALL_FAILED_OLDER_SDK: Failed parse during installPackageLI: /data/app/vmdl735273688.tmp/base.apk (at Binary XML file line #8): Requires newer sdk version #28 (current version is #26)]
I’ve read them over and over and I can’t understand what I’m doing wrong. I’ve followed the documentation and downloaded the recommended SDK and NDK, and I can’t find any forums with these errors anywhere. The android version on my phone is 8.0.0, but I’m unsure how that relates to the SDK versions. Is there anyone who could help me with this?