Getting Started with the Fab (Alpha) plugin

Welcome to Fab! To help you on your way, we have collected some useful links for getting started with the Fab (Alpha) plugin:

If you would like to learn more, head over to the UEFN Knowledge Base or explore our resources on the UEFN Plugin (Alpha) pages. Enjoy!

For the latest Fab news, follow us on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram.

The document says“You can open the Fab Marketplace settings at any time by selecting Settings from the lower-left of the plugin window.”But where is thr setting button,I cant find it


Hey @vivinero! You’re right - the document is incorrect at this point. We’re looking into it and will follow up here when we have more information.


Hi! Docs person here! Thanks for pointing out the discrepancy–the UI changes quickly and sometimes we get a little behind in updates.

We’re investigating this now and will update the doc as soon as we have the updated information.