Here are some resources for getting started with Paper2D:
One of the included templates when making a new project is ‘2D Side Scroller’ and you can pick either the C++ or the Blueprints-only variant.
I’d recommend switching from ‘Maximum quality’ to ‘Scalable 3D/2D’ in the New Project wizard, which turns off some post-processing effects that generally don’t look great in 2D games. You can always change this stuff later in Project Settings…Rendering.
Unreal Stick Figure 2D example project (available for free in the Learn Tab).
Content example maps (in Content Examples, available for free on the Learn Tab)
4.7 component workflow video - Uses Paper2D to make a shmup; will be available in the Learn tab after GDC.
Unreal Engine 4 Training Twitch: Creating a 2D Side-Scroller
If you’re not an artist, there are several 2D packs in the marketplace, and lots of good free stuff available at :// and :// as well. You can import sprites as textures and break those up into sprites in the editor, or directly import JSON formatted sprite sheets exported from Adobe Flash, Texture Packer, etc…
Michael Noland