Getting started with my project

One picture update, the project is going good so far, though there is still a lot of work to do!

Looks very very good! Out of curiosity, what are your machine specs and at what FPS does that run? Pretty amazing if it also runs at good Oculus framerates!

Yes again, very nice.
At 6/7 of the picture to the right, the brown bush looks a bit wrong with the shadows.
At the lantern, the wooden pole gets light up very much, but your scene is lit like at mid-day.
But still nice. :slight_smile:

@Manatee Many thanks mate, comments like this keeps me motivated! My machine specs are i7 4790, Gigabyte G1 Gaming GTX 970, 16 GB of RAM. Frame rate is not getting bellow 100, it may rise or fall depends where I am looking at. Though, the level is not optimized at all so it will get even better. For the Oculus, I will firstly do huge presentation in my country and the project will run just on my PC. Though when I get closer to the release of the game, I will test and try to hit as much as possible frame rate but still rely on the visual side of the project! Thanks again!

@Luftbauch Much appreciated for the nice comment. Few people already mentioned the bush, it may be because of the LODs though I will need to recheck that when I get closer to the finalization. For the lantern, this last picture was just first batch of this area, so there will be definetely a lot of improvements. Thank you for suggestions, I hope to hear from you in future aswell!

I didn’t had time to post any screens lately, I am working on something nice so I will try to push quick video again really soon! Stay tunned!

Can I ask you how many polys you use for grass and what kue density do you set them to? I am having hard time making large and dense mold/grass fields without them hurting my FPS. (I have only a GTX760 but that`s the avarage I am going to optimize to anyway.)
Do you use World Machine for the mountains at the back, and normal UE4 landscape editor for the area where you are walking?
What makes your terrain rich is how wide array of different shapes of nature elements you have. Trees are dont have a copypasted look! :slight_smile:

I am using grass from the Kite demo. At the moment I almost have 3k instances of the grass, though it have LODs so it is fairly good optimized. Download the pack and experiment with it. Mountains at the back are from marketplace, it’s called Background Mountains, though UE4 landscape is used for main terrain. That’s what I am trying to achieve, to have variety of foliage and it’s been settled at the places where they logicaly can be placed, some kind of my unique flora system.

One new picture from new area that is before all others. I am making new video at the moment, but this picture is just to refresh typing posts. So, new video will follow soon after this post I hope.

Belmin, Looking very nice.
Are the tree also from the market place?

Love these pictures, I like to work you have done on the materials

@sarrous thank you dude, the trees are from marketplace, precisely the Kite demo.

@danielsgamer doing my best so all of you guys find it nice and there is a lot more coming.

I am revamping the background mountains and trees so it looks more natural, primarly in terms of lighting. I will try to post something new tonight.

Here is something new for you guys! This picture is just little below area from the last one, we’re getting closer to the beach and actual connection of all areas I have so far.

Somebody used to live here! This is still WIP and should be more improved in future!


It’s amazing,keep up the good work.

Just finished new video! It’s from diffrent area than the last video. I hope you will like it and of course if there are any suggestions or critics, go ahead!

Sorry Raptor, just saw this post. Many thanks for comment and I will definately keep it up!

realy nice :slight_smile:

Which of the modells did you build by yourself?

Thank you! Almost all of the assets are from marketplace.

This is gorgeous!

Where are you getting the road/dirt paths? Bridges? Trees and nature from?

Any links?

Many thanks!
Like I said few times, almost all of the assets are from marketplace and majority of them are from Kite demo. Though, you can have one million assets but if you don’t have ideas how to sort them out it’s like you have nothing.

Moving forward through map with details! Almost done, I feel so excited as I make camera movements through whole level.


Another video! Hope you guys like it!