How can I get started on making a first person player blueprint from scratch using blueprint scripting? I want the player to be able to walk, run, jump, crouch, pickup items. I also want sounds like footsteps sounds, jump sound. I also want head bobble when walking and gains intensity when running. I also want a HUD for when the player walks up to a key item, it says press ‘key’ to examine or pickup. I also want controller support for Xbox One and PS4 controllers.
I know this a lot in one question, if you could help me get started on each parts of making the player. I don’t plan on having any meshes for arms because I don’t have the time to make them (it’s a school thesis project due next month).
Alright, I’ll try to cover as much as I can:
- When you start a project, select first person blueprint template. This will give you walk jump, and camera abilities
- For sprint/ run just set the character walk speed to a higher number when the sprint button is pressed
- Footstep sounds are as simple as doing a play sound at location and setting it to the location of the player
- Head bobble is a bit more difficult but not by much. There may be other ways but I would make a timeline that looks somewhat like a sine wave, and if the player’s velocity != 0, then play the timeline. This timeline would add relative location to the camera
- I’m not sure what gain intensity when running means
- Xbox and ps4 controller support come with the first person template, if you want button for sprint and examine go to project settings > input > Add action mappings
- For the “key items” you would either need to create a BP parent class that is named key item or give all the items a tag of key item, and then do a line trace (go to tesladev’s youtube account and search line trace). Then in the hit, check if the hit actor has a tag of key item or has a parent class of key item depending on which one you choose.
Alright, I have a new project with the first person blueprint template. I got rid of the gun and meshes from the FirstPersonCharacter blueprint. How can I set a walk speed? I feel like he is still kind of running as I walk around. I doesn’t have a walk/run speed in the template.
Oh by intensity, I meant start running if I hold shift key which the camera will bobble a little more and you will be moving faster.
With the xbox and ps4, will it be possible to have the HUD change icons if I change controller type for example. If I’m using ps4 controller, the hud will show ps4 buttons icon but if I use xbox one controller, it will use xbox buttons icons. Is this possible in UE4 blueprint?