Getting speed to slow over time after button release

So I’m trying to get my character speed to slow from 1400 to 535 over let’s say 1 second after I release L Shift. The way I have it set up now when shift is released the value jumps instantly from 1400 to 535 and the character jerks back to jogging which looks bad. Basically trying to make it so he eases from sprinting back to jogging.

I’ve been messing around with an event tick but no luck. Not sure what the best way to do this is.

You can probably do what you ate already doing and just use the tick’s deltatime to move the value to the target value a little at a time by plugging it and the current vaue and the target value into a lerp (linear interpto) node and each tick set the speed to that node’s return value.

hey appreciate the answer and I kinda of see what you mean right now by looking at these BP’s but is there any chance you could throw me a quick screen cap? Im having a hard time seeing how the event tick BP and the InputAction BP will contribute to this cause they both do not have an Exec in connection.

Got it. Timelines are the best way to go for this. You go from a timeline that you set up to play from a value of 0 to 1 over however long you want. You plug that into the alpha of a lerp and then put your starting value in A and end value in B.