Getting SimpleObjectBuilder instead of Actor's BP name

So we got an actor spawned on the world named “BP_Item”, we got a function that (with a GetHitResultUnderCursorByChannel) will print the name of the actor clicked at mouse click

When this item has a Static Mesh (a simple basic cube shape) all works wonders as expected…

But when we use a skeletal mesh or a child actor we don’t retrieve the name “BP_Item” anymore, we are getting the “SimpleObjectBuilder” instead


Mmmh doesn’t seem right, I’ll better retrieve the name of the Actor’s Blueprint as it is, I’m not getting right the actor’s name? This could be a bug?

Have you tried GetObjectName instead?

Yes it’s just printing the same SimpleObjectBuilder

I’m ashamed to say that the SimpleObjectBuilder 6 is the thing below BP_Item 6, it was the most holy coincidence !!!

Ain’t a bug, I assume that all is working properly, simply is not detecting anything when mouse clicking the static mesh or blueprint, will take a look on that

Edit/ I found out what happened, since any of the static meshes don’t have a Physics asset they won’t have Collisions at all !! So for me, creating Physics asset for each one solved the problem