Greetings UE4 community. So I wrote a C++ basecharacter, and then I extended another character from it where I added an ArrowComponent as a spawn point for a certain actor. My goal is to get the world position of that ArrowComponent and use it to spawn the actor in question, the issue is GetComponentTransform is giving me the relative transform rather than the world transform. I even tried GetWorldTransform in the BP of that character and It gives me the relative. To compare, I used the same methods on the ArrowComponent that exists by default in UE’s Character, and they gave me the correct values.
Here’s the code for my derived character:
#include "SpiderCharacter.h"
ASpiderCharacter::ASpiderCharacter() :
WebTrapSpawnPoint = CreateDefaultSubobject<UArrowComponent>(TEXT("Web Trap Spawn Point"));
WebTrapSpawnPoint->bIsScreenSizeScaled = true;
FTransform ASpiderCharacter::GetWebTrapSpawnTransform()
if (WebTrapSpawnPoint)
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Location: %s"), *GetArrowComponent()->GetComponentTransform().GetLocation().ToString());
return WebTrapSpawnPoint->GetComponentTransform();
return GetTransform();
And here’s the test that I did in the BP:
Am I missing something?