Getting Player Reference "None"

I’m very new to Unreal Editor 4 and so far love it. I’ve been reading through tutorials and in particular, the tutorial to build an “energy and health” HUD. I followed the tutorial to the word - creating a new First Person Blueprint and it works great. I thought “I can do this on my own now!” and I’ve hit a wall.

I created a blank project (with the default 2x chairs, 1x table etc). I created a: game mode, a character, and a widget. In the game mode, I set the player character to my own (First Person Character). I hooked everything up like I did in the tutorial, too. The HUD shows perfectly which is great. However, it seems that my HUD just isn’t getting the “get player character” bit. I hooked it up to a print and it’s showing as “None”. I do the same on the previous tutorial example that worked and it successfully spits out a reference to the player character.

All of my HUD elements are set to 0 as they’re not getting any data from my player character.

It feels like my own character blueprint hasn’t been set somewhere that it should be. Or index 0 isn’t targeting my character. Is there anywhere else this reference should be set other than in the game mode?

I appreciate that doesn’t seem like a lot to go off, but I’m happy to paste blueprints if needed!

Hmm. Can’t really help you in any depth without seeing the relevant BP screens, but I can offer some generic advice.

How are you getting the player character reference? Get Player Character? Passed as a variable? If the former, check to see if you are Casting to your Character class. If the latter, ensure that the variable is set to your Character class and not the default Character class. Also, make sure said variable is actually initialized to something.

If you are creating the widget in your Character BP, you can Get Owner -> Cast to get your Character in the widget. It may be worth a check to PlayerController -> Locally Controlled before spawning the widget.