Getting my IK Foot Bones to Move along with the Foot bones when doing an IK Foot trace

So i am trying to set up a foot trace IK for my character.
But there is one thing that i can’t get working, and nobody seems to explain it in their tutorial either.

I am doing an IK foot trace. Exactly the way it is setup in the Package character.
But whenever my character runs the feet just get stuck on the IK_Foot bones.
Which is because of how the IKBasicFootTrace is set up.
The issue is, as far as i know.
That my IK_Foot bones are locked in position instead of moving with the Animated Foot bones.
I have set the retarget options in the Skeleton as suggested by the Engine.

I just can’t figure out how i get the IK_foot bones to run along with the foot bones.
Do i have to set up the curves, notifies and pose assets and everything as well?
I didn’t think i needed those just for the footplacement.

Do i have to make those curves to make that possible?

That is what the legs end up looking like when they snap upwards to the IK_foot bones.