Hello everyone…
What i am trying to do is getting all information of a landscape ( width, height, num of components…), using the python API.
import unreal
l = unreal.EditorActorSubsystem().get_selected_level_actors()
all = unreal.EditorActorSubsystem().get_all_level_actors_components()
#landscape_info = l[0].get_landscape_info()
#landscape_info = l[0].create_landscape_info()
I was able to select the landscape in my level, but when trying to apply the methods available for the Landscape module, i always get " module Landscape has no property method_name", as well as there is a module named LandscapeInfo but it has no property or methods to use (unreal.LandscapeInfo — Unreal Python 5.0 (Experimental) documentation).
So how can i get these information or components using the API, or even from cpp code. My goal is to use the script to make custom components because i want to train a machine learning model using that data.
I hope i clarified my issue here, and to sum up, the python API for landscape module is not returning any useful data to use.
landactor = {};//holder of the landscape actor. In .h it is defined as: TArray<AActor*> landactor;
UGameplayStatics::GetAllActorsOfClass(GetWorld(), AActor::StaticClass(), landactor);// get the landscape actor fron world and store it in a variable.
for (AActor* actor : landactor) {
//Get the landscape
ALandscape* land = Cast<ALandscape>(actor); // Making sure we are handling a lanscape actor.
if (land) {
// This will give the x,y,z of the landscape in the world.
FTransform actorLandscapePosition = land->LandscapeActorToWorld();
//FBox landbox = land->GetComponentsBoundingBox();
auto comp = land->LandscapeComponents;// get components of the landscape
if (comp.Num() > 0) {
//ULandscapeInfo* landInfo = land->GetLandscapeInfo(); // not really useful
//UE_LOG(LogTemp, Display, TEXT("the actor is %d"), comp.Num());// print the number of components
int componentnum = 0;//for iteration
for (auto component : comp) {
//Loop through each component
//if (component.IsA(ULandscapeComponent::StaticClass())) {
ULandscapeComponent* LandComponent = Cast< ULandscapeComponent>(component); // I just make a lot of test the the code won't crash
//UE_LOG(LogTemp, Display, TEXT("the actor is %s"), *LandComponent->GetComponentLocation().ToString());
if (LandComponent) {
//Getting the center of the component x,y,z
FBoxSphereBounds Bounds = LandComponent->CalcBounds(FTransform::Identity);
FVector Center = Bounds.Origin;
Center -= LandComponent->GetComponentLocation();
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Component center point: %s"), *Center.ToString());
//this is to get the w/h of the component
int32 ComponentSizeQuads = LandComponent->ComponentSizeQuads;
int32 ComponentWidth = ComponentSizeQuads + 1;
int32 ComponentHeight = ComponentSizeQuads + 1;
FVector componentLocation = LandComponent->GetComponentLocation();//get component location in world
So here is a snippet of the code, i am just showing the classes and functions to be used and how we can use them. I hope this will get you going with handling landscapes in cpp code.
Enjoy coding.