I’m trying to set simulate physics on for a skeletal mesh rifle I have.
Whenever I do so, I get an error that says “Invalid simulate options…set to simulate physics but collision enabled is incompatible.” (warnings.png).
I’ve attached two collision settings I’ve tried (collision.png and collision2.png)
When I put custom world static collision and take off the simulate physics, I get no error.
When I set collision as a pawn (and query and physics enabled) on the skeletal mesh but no physics, I still get the error.
When I set collision as a pawn (and query and physics enabled) on the skeletal mesh and set simulate physics, I get the error and the weapon doesn’t remain attached at the socket, but just hovers in the air. BUT when I attach the gun to a socket, I am spawning a new weapon and disabling its physics and collision completely.
The strange thing is that if I start off with no collision or physics enabled on the skeletal mesh, and then in the game drop the gun (by spawning a new one and enabling physics and collision), there is no error either. (dropgun.png).
Can someone please tell me why this is happening and how to fix it?