Getting good at architecture and level design?

Hey guys. Does anyone have any sort of advice or tips for getting good at level design and architecture for game development? Any tutorials you know of? I’d love to do level design, but nothing I make really looks good or realistic. Any responses are highly appreciated. Thanks!

Start with downloading the examples from the launcher library
Take a look how things are setup
Migrate individual assets to a new project you intend to work on
Start designing your level, add a medium sized landscape, roughly model the landscape
Use assets you got and build something
Only build basic geometry/architecture, details can be added at last
Consider that your first maps will likely not yield perfect results. It takes some experience to make the things you planned.
For most things there is already an example in the library, and many many assets (trees, rocks, landscape materials…)

Optimize textures. This requires 3rd party software like Autodesk FBX converter (to view models), Shadermap to convert textures, Photoshop to resize image resolution, or to make slight texture changes, import models into Blender to make slight adjustments to models
It takes a couple of weeks to get used to all these programs

For my personal modeling experience i walked back to the ancient builders and looked, how they built structures.
There are not so many different basic shapes, aside decorations and you can freestyle with them, whatever you want.
When you look close to segmented pillars for example, then there will you find the same basic shapes in midlevelstructure decoration.
But they follow rules, break them and you break the look.
My english is not good enough to describe it better, sry.

Alrighty. I never thought about looking at the examples… thanks!

Your English is fine and you described it great. Thanks! :slight_smile: