Getting gameplay Tag from line trace Hit actor

Hello! Im looking for a way to get GameplayTag from Hit Actor in line trace. With actor tags its very simple, similar methods with GameplayTags dont seem to work and there is very limited information online. Is there a way to do this?


What exactly doesn’t work with the GameplayTags methods ?

Thanks for the answer, maybe im setting up the actor incorrectly, but for me i cant get the tag of the actor hit.

‘Get owned Gameplay Tags’ returns none, ‘Has Matching Gameplay Tag’ returns False

I have the gameplay tag as an exposed variable in my Actor, screenshot below

Your class needs to implement the IGameplayTagAssetInterface and store a FGameplayTagContainer.
I think this can only be done in C++ (unless it has changed recently).

This article has helpful info for getting started.

Time to learn C++, thanks for the answer