I am trying to upload my build to EGS using build patch tool via the following command:
BuildPatchTool.exe -OrganizationId=<org_id> -ProductId=<prod_id> -ArtifactId=<artifact_id> -ClientId=<client_id> -ClientSecret=<client_secret> -mode=UploadBinary -BuildRoot=<path_to_root> -CloudDir=<local_path_to_empty_folder> -BuildVersion=12345 -AppLaunch=foo.exe -AppArgs=""
I get the following output
ModuleManager: Module 'OnlineSubsystemNULL' not found - its StaticallyLinkedModuleInitializers function is null.
OSS: TryLoadSubsystemAndSetDefault: LoadSubsystemModule([NULL]) failed
000001FD68DDF200: invalid HTTP response code received. URL: http://<unconfigured>/api/public/v1/uploader/info/1.6.0, HTTP code: 0, content length: 0, actual payload size: 0
000001FD68DDF200: request failed, libcurl error: 6 (Couldn't resolve host name)
000001FD68DDF200: libcurl info message cache 0 (Could not resolve host: <unconfigured>)
000001FD68DDF200: libcurl info message cache 1 (Closing connection 0)
Lockout of 3.143528s on http://<unconfigured>/api/public/v1/uploader/info/1.6.0
An authentication error occurred. Check you have specified ClientId, and either ClientSecret or ClientSecretEnvVar parameters correctly. Message: Failure ErrorCode=errors.com.epicgames.oss.identity.not_configured:token_grant_account_service_url, Message=No valid configuration, Raw=not_configured
Not finding any similar errors when I search the forums, any help here would be appreciated