Getting Error when Trying to Start c++ Project?

Just got Unreal Engine 4 and want to try and create a project that enables c++. But when I do I get this:

An error occurred while trying to generate project files.

Running C:/Program Files (x86)/Epic Games/4.11/Engine/Binaries/DotNET/UnrealBuildTool.exe -projectfiles -project=“C:/Users/Sam Hirsch/Documents/Unreal Projects/MyProject/MyProject.uproject” -game -progress -2015
Visual C++ 2015 toolchain does not appear to be correctly installed. Please verify that “Common Tools for Visual C++ 2015” was selected when installing Visual Studio 2015.
Discovering modules, targets and source code for game…
UnrealBuildTool Exception: ERROR: Failed to find cl.exe in the default toolchain directory C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\Common7\Tools…/…/VC/bin/x86_amd64\cl.exe. Please verify that “Common Tools for Visual C++ 2015” was selected when installing Visual Studio 2015.

What does this mean?

Also, if a create a project not from the c++ tab. Can I still see the code?

The error message is self explanatory doesn’t it? The tool that build UE4 could not find cl.exe on its default location. Either you have installed VS2015 on a different location, or maybe you didn’t have selected to install “Common tools for visual c++ 2015”