Getting character acceleration and rotation rate

I’m working on a locomotion system that will later be implemented into a combat system. I’m originally a dancer and choreographer (now game designer) so the ability to drive animations through physics/math in a realistic way is very fascinating to me. I’m currently working with pre-existing animations but will be making my own as I go along. So, here are a few questions:

  1. I use animations that are not root animations, therefore, it would be great if I can find out what speed in unreal corresponds with the walking, running and sprinting animations. Is there an easy way to find that information from the animations themselves?
  2. I want to be able to continuously check the characters acceleration, rotation rate and de-acceleration and drive the animations/set the rules for blending animations with those values. Is there a good way to do this in my character or anim bp? For example I wanna use this to blend to leaning while turning or animations for acceleration into sprint etc.

Any help would be greatly appreciated :smiley: ! I’m not a programmer and quite new to blueprints but working passionately to learn more, loving it! Thanks in advance!

Not sure about the animation bit , but usually I would use Get Linear and Get Angular Velocity:

You should be able to specify the bones on a mesh on those. I’m not expert but it seems those would work.

This is great! Thank you for responding. Got quite a good result from this. Will keep on working :slight_smile: