I have a blueprint that allows you to rotate the camera with the mouse. But I want to add a smooth return of the camera back to the center after rotating with the mouse.
you can set up a timeline for it if you want a smooth transition, then just run play/and or play from start.
thanks, but how can i set a timeline start position if it changes every time + where and how to use this timeline? i also fount rinterp function, which i think could be useful, but don`t know how to use it in my blueprint
How to set something like this up would depend on how the camera is configured to work - especially how it meshes with the Control Rotation of the player controller. Sadly, we can’t see it here. And I would stay away from a Timeline
- that’d be awkward to handle in this scenario.
Lets say we simply set camera’s relative rotation without taking advantage of the Control Rotation
(seems like that’s what you already have):
Which results in:
Can be made more nuanced if needed, ofc. Hope it helps!
thanks!! it worked!