Getting attribute curve track names in python.

I am trying to get a list of animation attribute curve tracks using the Unreal editor python api. I can easily get a list of bone tracks using unreal.AnimationLibrary.get_animation_track_names. However, this only returns the names of the bone tracks in the animation, attribute tracks such as morph target and material curves will not be returned. I can test if a attribute curve exists using unreal.AnimationLibrary.does_curve_exist but there does not seem to be a way to get attribute curve tracks using the AnimationLibrary.

I feel like there should be a method to get the attribute curve track names, as there is one for notify event and sync tracks, or they should be returned with the animation tracks. Maybe I am missing something?

They added the method " unreal.AnimationLibrary.get_animation_curve_names" in 4.26. You can use it.