My editor crashes and I get the following error everytime I try to run the game after making edits to my BP_CombatComponent.
Assertion failed: Indirection.Function->GetReturnProperty() [File:D:\build\++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\PropertyAccess.cpp] [Line: 526]
After it reopening the editor it works again until I edit and compile that blueprint again.
The error above is related to Property Access, but it’s quite weird because none of the logic in the BP_CombatComponent is in anyway related to the property access.
Another weird thing is that this crash only happens if I try to link anim layers. If I leave them unlinked, no problem at all.
Any ideas or tips what might cause this?
Ok I managed to resolve this issue.
For anyone else experiencing similar issues this is how I solved it:
So my setup:
- I had a Base Anim BP and a Anim Layers BP
- In the Anim Layers BP I used Property Access node to fetch movement data directly from the character movement component via the the Base Anim BP. For example: Property Access {GetBaseAnimBP.GetCharacterMovement.bUseSeparateBrakingFriction}
To fix this I added an update function in the Base Anim BP to get these in there and then in the Anim Layers BP I just used property access to get them from the Base Anim BP instead.
I think there is some bug with how the Anim Layers are linked to the anim BP. But this workaround seems to work well.
Hope this helps someone.
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thank you. it was very helpful!