Getting Animation Rotation for Set of Bones.

Okay, I have settled on poseable mesh or whatever it is called. Which means I have to import the morphs as different skeletal meshes per se. I, however, have poses as animation sequences over to the side. I would like to be able to grab them, grab the bone poses for each bone and then set them as a pose in the blueprint for one specific pose. I tried just creating a pose asset but… I cannot import it per se into the blueprints as something to switch to. I would need the bones to be interactable, and settable as well. As in this pose sets up certain bone rotations elsewhere, also setting up numbers in a numeral scroll box thing so that I can add to the set pose. Nothing I do works. I am beginning to think every single thing needs to be a skeletal mesh for this which would be asinine. I am unsure if I do do that will it even work as a sorta master pose for the other skeletal mesh morphs since they are also skeletal meshes. This is reaching asinine levels of confusion. It should be simple it seems simple but for some bloody reason it seems to be set up as a parallel line so what I need to happen will never bloody cross and I need some stupid asinine set up for something that would be simple if the lines were allowed to cross. Before the googlers come in don’t, do not even try it. Googling this gets me nowhere. I do not even know what to google. How to combine poseable meshes with morphs, poseable meshes with skeletal meshes, what really what do you put in for this.

Ken doll that also has morphs attached, nope.