Getting an Object to stick to a Pawn

Does ANYONE know how I can fix this? I’ve begun the Unreal Journey and managed to make a spaceship (Pawn) move around the environment. It rotates in the direction the camera is pointing BUT when i tried to put sliding doors in a doorway within the shell (blueprint of the ship) They don’t rotate with the ship. I know I can put them INSIDE the ship blueprint and have it all as one, but for some reason the nodes for transforming a simple door sideways don’t work within a Pawn blueprint. I had to create a new door blueprint and attach it to the Ship Shell in the main window. I provided a youtube video if it helps. My Issue - YouTube

Is the door a separate actor? You can attach an actor to another actor, and it makes the root component of the child actor follow the component in the parent actor.

At the end of the day it’s all just hierarchies of components and it doesn’t really matter what actor owns what component. They’ll all follow each other according to the parent hierarchy.

You’d have the mesh component of that door be a child of some component in the space ship. And if you want to animate the door opening/closing, just animate its relative transform, and it’ll always follow the parent.