Getting an agent when the HitEvent from a shooting_range_target_device is triggered

Does anybody know how to get the agent who triggered the HitEvent from a shooting_range_target_device ? Or at least, how to know which of the player hit or shot on a target ?

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Looking for this answer as well.

I’ll try to get someone to help.

Hey all, we’re digging in here. Ticket: FORT-784634

In the meantime you can workaround this issue by utilizing the trigger_device to obtain a reference to the Agent. Here’s an example to obtain a reference to the Agent who triggered the device.

using { / }
using { / }
using { / }

hello_world_device := class(creative_device):
    SRT : shooting_range_target_device = shooting_range_target_device {}

    TRG : trigger_device = trigger_device {}



    OnHit(Info : tuple()):void=
    OnTriggered(MaybeAgent : ?agent):void=
        if(Agent := agent[MaybeAgent?]):
            # do stuff with Agent