I am working in c++ in a UE4 client.
I am getting an UTC ISO8601 string from a python service. It looks like this: "2022-11-01T22:57:00+00:00"
Ultimately I need a localized date time to show a user.
So far I have stuffed it into a proper type with FDateTime::ParseIso8601
My first attempt was FString::Printf(TEXT("The datetime: %s "), *dt.ToString());
That gets a result that is not in the users timezone, or formatted in a particularly user friendly way.
FDateTime does not seem to have any concept of time zone or any way to know what the local one is.
So my problem is to
Convert this to the user’s local timezone, or failing that to EST.
Then, format it in a user friendly way, preferably displaying that timezone.
I see some thingy in Blueprint that might do this, but I don’t want to get into that if I don’t absolutely have to. (I’m supposed to be a python programmer. I haven’t used c++ in more then 10 years. I’m doing this to help a coworker. Learning another language is beyond the scope of this work.)