Hey everyone! I have a weird issue that is really blocking me from moving my motion capture toolset Mega Mocap VR to 5.5. Long story short, I’ve been coding this free system since 4.27, but when testing on 5.5 I constantly encounter the following:
After stopping recording using Take Recorder, I am prompted to ‘select assets to save.’ These assets will be the level sequences I just captured, however selecting save will not work. I am then presented with the message that the asset failed to save, and can either cancel (stop saving), retry (try again) or continue (skip saving). No matter what option I choose, I eventually exit PIE, and then the entire engine crashes. Then I get the following log:
Assertion failed: false [File:D:\build\++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Editor\UnrealEd\Private\PlayLevel.cpp] [Line: 518]
Object 'World TrashedPackage_90.OpenWorld' from PIE level still referenced. Shortest path from root: (root) UnrealEdEngine /Engine/Transient.UnrealEdEngine_0
-> TObjectPtr<UTransactor> UEditorEngine::Trans = TransBuffer /Engine/Transient.TransBuffer_0
-> TransBuffer /Engine/Transient.TransBuffer_0::AddReferencedObjects((Garbage) MMVR_PlayerPawn_BP_C TrashedPackage_90.OpenWorld:PersistentLevel.MMVR_PlayerPawn_BP_C_UAID_50EBF6CE98619C4102_1184077593)
^ UnknownFunction []
^ UnknownFunction []
^ UnknownFunction []
^ UnknownFunction []
^ UnknownFunction []
^ UnknownFunction []
^ UnknownFunction []
^ UnknownFunction []
^ UnknownFunction []
^ UnknownFunction []
^ UnknownFunction []
^ UnknownFunction []
^ UnknownFunction []
^ UnknownFunction []
^ UnknownFunction []
^ UnknownFunction []
^ UnknownFunction []
^ UnknownFunction []
^ UnknownFunction []
^ UnknownFunction []
^ UnknownFunction []
^ UnknownFunction []
^ UnknownFunction []
^ UnknownFunction []
^ UnknownFunction []
^ This reference is preventing the old World from being GC'd ^
-> UObject* UObject::Outer = (Garbage) Level TrashedPackage_90.OpenWorld:PersistentLevel
-> UObject* UObject::Outer = (Garbage) World TrashedPackage_90.OpenWorld
So it’s my understanding that this is referencing garbage collection, and there probably is a reference to my player pawn stored in the animbp and a component on the actor, but I’m not sure why after 3 years this is starting to cause a crash? Any advice would definitely be appreciated! Thanks!