Getter/Setter not used in the Details Panel of a Component

Hey everyone,

I want to encapsulate my private fields with accessor and mutator functions. Within the actual Blueprint, the field *maxHealth *is hidden as I expected and only accessible through the getter and setter. But I also want to be able to set this value through the Actor Component’s Details Panel. “EditAnywhere” makes the field accessible, but a value change is not processed by the setter function. I guess I don’t fully understand the underlying concept. Could you please point out where I am wrong?

#pragma once

#include "CoreMinimal.h"
#include "Components/ActorComponent.h"
#include "HealthComponent.generated.h"

UCLASS(ClassGroup = (Custom), meta = (BlueprintSpawnableComponent))
class ACT_API UHealthComponent : public UActorComponent {

   UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintGetter = GetMaxHealth, BlueprintSetter = SetMaxHealth)
   float maxHealth = 25.0f;


   float GetMaxHealth() const { return maxHealth; }

   void SetMaxHealth(float value) {
      maxHealth = 10.0f; // this hardcoded 10 is for debugging only, to see if there is actually something happening

I might be wrong here, but BlueprintGetter/Setter will only be called when you are in blueprints, trying to Get/Set a variable. For example, when you are dragging the variable into the blueprint canvas, and typing Get. Here’s their description, copied from ObjectMacros.h

/// This function is used as the get accessor for a blueprint exposed property. Implies BlueprintPure and BlueprintCallable.

/// This function is used as the set accessor for a blueprint exposed property. Implies BlueprintCallable.

You could be true. But in that case, why do I need those Macros then anyway? Couldn’t I just make a private field (without the UPROPERTY macro) and only UFUNCTION a getter and a setter? Where is the difference?

#pragma once

#include "CoreMinimal.h"
#include "Components/ActorComponent.h"
#include "HealthComponent.generated.h"

UCLASS(ClassGroup = (Custom), meta = (BlueprintSpawnableComponent))
class ACT_API UHealthComponent : public UActorComponent {

   float maxHealth = 25.0f;


   float GetMaxHealth() const { return maxHealth; }

   void SetMaxHealth(float value) {
      maxHealth = 10.0f; // this hardcoded 10 is for debugging only, to see if there is actually something happening

The engine uses reflection to show those properties in the details panel, and indeed most of the editor - so it won’t call those functions, it sets the properties directly. Encapsulation doesn’t matter.

How do I limit the Leveldesigner than not to put in numbers into the detail panel I don’t want them to use?

Calling the setter in the constructer so that the values got checked at least once?

UHealthComponent::UHealthComponent() {
   PrimaryComponentTick.bCanEverTick = true;

I feel like not understanding the conceptual design decision behind the whole thing. When I create a Variable with the Blueprint editor, I do have all these nice options like Slider- and ValueRange which are accessible via UPROPERTY Meta, but what if it is getting a little more complicated than a clamp?

You are looking for PostEditChangeProperty: How do I use PostEditChangeProperty? - C++ - Epic Developer Community Forums

@DasMaeh UE4 AnswerHub post: UProperty min & max values ?

Yeah… that is what I feared. My C++ knowledge is only limited but I advanced a lot within the last months by reading about Programming Patterns and stuff.
In my last Job Interview for a AAA company, they told me to use encapsulation more often which was a comment towards a 2D rendering engine I wrote myself in c++. For me, it is confusing to see that the Unreal Engine often goes a slightly different way. I know that Unity also uses reflection, but they provide an event (OnValidate) which is called every time someone changed a value within the editor. This allows me to add regular encapsulation like in the following example:

private float maxHealth;
public float GetMaxHealth() {return maxHealth;}
public void SetMaxHealth(value) { maxHealth = value; }

private void OnValidate() {

Similar to PostEditChangeProperty as **_brunocoimbra **mentioned. But I guess… this isn’t just something you do with Unreal, in general, as a “best practice”.

Thank you for clarifying this for me.

I actually use PostEditChangeProperty on Unreal at the same rate that I use OnValidate on Unity, and seems to be for the same reason as you.

I would say that this is up to you (or your company) to define which are the best practice here. Mine is to always ensure that the data is in a valid range while in edit time to avoid issues at play time, so if PostEditChangeProperty helps me to achieve that then I will use it extensively.