GetResolutionScaleInformation > Min Scale Value always returns 0 no matter what I try

Hello there good people !

There’s something that has been driving me a bit crazy lately. Whenever I attempt to get the Min Scale Value of the GetResolutionScaleInformation function (GetGameUserSettings) it always returns 0. I’m always in PIE (new window) when I do this and I even tried in a brand new 5.3.2 project.

I watched a few Mathew Wadstein videos on the subject including this one:

I did the SetToDefaults followed by an Apply Settings in Begin Play of my player controller and in another PIE session, validate the settings like he proposes to do. However the value stays at 0. I also tried setting the Fullscreen Mode to Windowed, confirm the video mode and then get the resolution scale minimum value and it still returns 0.

From my understanding the resolution scale being 0 is totally wrong right? There’s no way that value is the actual minimum? How would I properly initialize my user settings so the value is correct assuming I’m only using blueprint?

No one? Is there something I’m missing (documentation, project)? I checked Lyra and it seems to be the same. I can put the resolution down to 0%, there seems to be a threshold it won’t go down to though.

I’m not sure if it’s the same problem I had, but try adding a small delay before calling GetResolutionScaleInformation in BeginPlay. I had a problem getting the screen size in BeginPlay where the values ​​were 0.

Hey !! Thanks for your reply. My attempt was delayed way after begin play, while the game is running normally not during its initialization.

For now I just set the minimum to be hardcoded to 45% but I don’t find this super elegant. Anyone else attempted this?

I don’t have a solution, but have the exact same problem.

Min scale value is always 0, even in a packaged game running in full screen mode.

From what i am understanding, isn’t this supposed to scale depending on the current resolution? Like the higher the lower the min value can be, down to 10%? If so, then this doesn’t seem to work…

Also using UE5.3.2 actually.