Getrelativelocation vs getactorlocation

Im trying to setup simple lift with blueprint class. I could do this in the level blueprint or using matinee but am struggling to get my head round it. I have my meshes under a shared root. I figured that I could use getrelativelocation and use this to define the start point. When I turn this into a variable the position data is not being inherited. I cant use getactorlocation because its targeting itself.
Im pretty new to UE4 and I’d like to understand why its not working and what I’m doing wrong.

Another thing my timeline doesn’t have an alpha.


Try set Vector A to to zero and open the timeline and add a float track that goes from value 0 to 1, during the time you want. Direction is irrelevant to the lerp. If you dont know how to setup the float track google it. I would post an example image but I dont have UE4 on this machine.

Thanks, think i have it now. The problem was just defining the start point, was driving me crazy. The lift doesnt go zooming off to 0,0,0, but it judders up to half way and then skips to the top.

Any suggestions much appreciated

Looks good, Not sure about having a shared root but if it works then its no biggie. As for the “juddering” elevator, how is the float track setup? Is it a straight line from 0 to 1 or do you have any smooth curves in there?

This is where i’m at, I could see that on component endoverlap was being triggered as the lift was moving up. I did have a stright line changed it to a curve, not much difference. Thought that I could set it so that only the player character triggered it but not having much luck, still goes up approx halfway and starts shaking as the endoverlap was triggered.
I used the shared root because I’m not sure what else to use, maybe group all the static meshes under one and then target that? I cant create a reference to the blueprint actor

So the reason it jitters is; EndOverlap makes the elevator go down, and BeginOverlap makes it go up. If the Box you are overlapping is inside the elevator and roughly the height of the elevators travel distance, then you will start end the overlap once the elevator reaches the midway point.