GetPhysicsLinearVelocity OnHit Always The same

Hello, I am trying to find a good prediction for sphere bounces. I have turned gravity off for now to help.

I’m using PredictProjectilePath in the construction script of an actor to show where the ball will go, and In beginPlay I add an impulse that hits the ball and the path predicts it very well.

In the OnHit function, I am using GetPhysicsLinearVelocity and drawing a line from the hit location to the velocity, and its always in the same location.

You can see that even if the ball is moved, along as it’s the same hit angle the location remains the same (orange line). I have to add the hit location to velocity and it draws a line in the direction the ball is going to go (the purple line).

My question is - How do I calculate the velocity in the construction script (from the prediction function) so it matches the same as GetPhysicsLinearVelocity (the orange line)
Or why is PhysX doing that to begin with? It’s throwing my bounce predictions off.

I have tried reflection angles etc but they don’t match even close.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Oh, sorry for the YT vid in the corner I just noticed that :confused: