Log file open, 12/19/17 21:14:04
LogWindows: Failed to load ‘aqProf.dll’ (GetLastError=126)
LogWindows: File ‘aqProf.dll’ does not exist
LogWindows: Failed to load ‘VtuneApi.dll’ (GetLastError=126)
LogWindows: File ‘VtuneApi.dll’ does not exist
LogWindows: Failed to load ‘VtuneApi32e.dll’ (GetLastError=126)
LogWindows: File ‘VtuneApi32e.dll’ does not exis
I always get this error what is the solution i updated all of my drivers and windows either i am on the Windows 10 and my PC specs are:
MSI Gtx 1060 6 GB Graphic Card
İ5 6600 Processor
HyperX 16(8x2) GB DDR4 Rams
MSI H170-A Pro Gaming Motherboard
I tried to delete save and intermediate folders but it didnt work. I created a new project and copied my content to new project but it didnt work either.It happens only with my projects content other 4.17 projects works perfectly.
Why is this happening? I really dont get it.My 6 months work is just gone how can i fix this? Please help me.
Those errors are probably not your problem. We all see those, even in working projects. Not sure why. But post your full log and any crash logs that were generated.
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[link text
Full Log: [1]: 224453-thief-backup-20171219-233405.log (29.8 KB)
[link text
Crash Log: [1]: 224454-thief.log (26.7 KB)
There seems to be an issue related to upgrading a project. Did you upgrade the project to a new UE4 version? I’m not sure it’s causing the crash, but the logs have suggestions to re-save certain assets. Try doing what you need to remove those warnings. I think you’ll still have the problem but lets handle the easy stuff first.
If you still get the crash after that then we will need more information. The call stack in the log is missing information. This is because there are no debug symbols to reference. You need the debug symbols installed. I’m still not sure if you can do that without installing the engine source, but worst case you’ll want to install the engine from Github (you can download the specific version you need, not just the latest).
Once we have the call stack (or better, you can debug it in VS and see where it crashes), we should be able to hone in
on the problem.
Actually that is a good idea,i am going to try it.I am downloading ue 4.17 from github.I hope this will solve the problem.Thank you .i will write the results when its done.(in my country internet is really really awful this can be take too long.)
That didnt worked and explained nothing.This is so weird,This time github version gave me a fatal error and the normal version is still same.
Engine is working i can play my game i can do everything except opening a blueprint.When i try to opening a random blueprint engine keeps crashing.I still couldnt figure it out the reason and yes i upgraded engine version for solving this problem(and i opened a copy not the same project like Aproject4.17 and Aproject4.18) but didnt worked this is so annoying.
What are the details of the fatal error? The logs should have more information now so please post them. You could also build in VS with the Solution Configuration set to “Debug Editor” and then run it in debug mode (F5 usually). When it breaks, it will go to the code in VS. Where does it break?
By the way, if the problem was due to a version upgrade then upgrading again to a newer version will probably not help.
Engine Log:
[link text
VSDebug Log:
[link text
I builded debug editor and it took a bit long i am so sorry about it.Logs are here sir.
Engine Log:
[link text
VSDebug Log:
[link text
I builded debug editor and it took a bit long i am so sorry about it.Logs are here sir.
Those logs don’t show an error. It looks like you just opened and closed the editor. I need you to make the error happen.
I can see a clean shutdown in the logs so I don’t understand. Perhaps you posted the wrong log files? And debugging it in VS should stop execution before the “Fatal Error” dialog. Also, please post the crash log, not just the UE4 log.
Just gave me a fatal error and crashed.That is it.That is the weird part and more weird part is
just a fatal error nothing more.
[2017.12.20-15.29.46:693][ 0]LogWindows: Failed to load ‘…/…/…/Engine/Binaries/ThirdParty/QualComm/Win64/TextureConverter.dll’ (GetLastError=193)
[2017.12.20-15.29.46:693][ 0]LogWindows: Missing import: MSVCR100.dll
[2017.12.20-15.29.46:693][ 0]LogWindows: Missing import: MSVCP100.dll
i think i found the problem but that doesnt makes sense either.I got all of the visual studio versions how is that possible?
i did but we got new issue
It says Unreal Engine has stopped working.I was going to join Nvidia Edge with Dynamic Weather, Volumetric Clouds and Dynamic Sky everything in one BP and my project was almost done.
That DLL is a part of the Visual C++ redistributable. I’m not sure why it’s not there but you could try installing it. Are you building the game for 64-bit? If so, you may want to try installing the Visual C++ redistributable for 32-bit (x86). I’ve never been able to build for 32-bit (not that I’ve tried very hard) so if you’re trying to do that, I suggest using 64-bit.
Not sure why that’s happening either. It’s like you run into every problem that exists. And I cannot read that language. At this point it seems almost hopeless.
I agree that the problem appears to be the missing DLL. You need to figure out how to replace it. I thought installing the redistributable would help. Perhaps there is a Windows update or KB that UE4 is expecting. Make sure everything is up to date, especially any Visual Studio service packs.
Otherwise I don’t know what to tell you. Almost everyone else can use UE4 without this problem so you may want to try uninstalling UE4, VS, and any SDKs, then reinstalling them all by following install guides step-by-step. I know I have skipped a step in the past and nothing worked until I reinstalled. The install guides are available and you can find them with a quick search. (Side note: I’ve always used VS2015 with UE4)
“It’s like you run into every problem that exists” You just summarized my life
LOL i have been using UE4 for 2.5 years.That never happened to me before i must be the most unlucky man alive :D.Thank you for everything by the way i will try to solve this problem and if i make it i will share the solution with everyone i promise war is not over yet.
Actually, can you post the full log? I’d like to see more than what you think is relevant. Just in case.
Same thing. It’s a clean log. No problems in there. That is not the same log that has the error you posted earlier. The log I want is the one that has “LogWindows: Failed to load ‘…/…/…/Engine/Binaries/ThirdParty/QualComm/Win64/TextureConverter.dll’”.