GetLandscapeCenterPos causes an unresolved external symbol error?

Hi all,

If I lookup the function GetLandscapeCenterPos the UE api docs say to add the “Landscape” module and use: #include “LandscapeInfo.h”. Unfortunately this causes the unresolved external symbol error.

If I use the GetLandscapeExtent function it works fine. That function has the same requirements.

I have remade the project files already and everything works except the GetLandscapeCenterPos function :confused:

Anyone know why there is a difference?

Thank you.

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Not working on mac. UE 5.1.1

0>[2/3] Link UnrealEditor-MW2.dylib
0>Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
0> “ULandscapeInfo::GetLandscapeCenterPos(float&, int, int, int, int)”, referenced from:
0> AMapLevelViewCamera::updateCameraPosition() in MapLevelViewCamera.cpp.o
0>ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64
0>clang: Error : linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
0>[3/3] WriteMetadata cancelled
Build failed at 17:10:57

Ever figure out how to get this to link properly?