Hello, I am trying to use the motion sensors on android for my game. I have setup a simple blueprint to print the values of the 4 outputs of the GetInputMotionState function as shown in the image:
I then packaged the game for android ATC and deployed it on my device (OnePlus One) and all values are giving correct outputs, however when tested on Moto G5 Plus and Moto G5 S Plus, all the values were returned as 0. In the adb logcat output the following error is seen;
SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
It seems that for these 2 devices, the values are all 0 because UE is unable to initialize/register the sensors correctly.
In the android build configurations, WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE is the only additional permission, MinSDK level = 16, target SDK level = 22. VR Plugins have been disabled as the game does not require them.
Are there additional settings required to make the motion input work (permissions, additional function calls) ? Have I missed something here ? Please assist.
Thank you,