What? What do you mean “you know that X is the forward…”
Actor forward is the direction which your actor is facing. When you spawn it into the level, at 0 rotation, it may be 1 on X, 0 on Y. Then you rotate it by 90 degrees, and now the forward is 0 on X, 1 on Y.
Also, forward is a unit vector, meaning it’s length is always 1. Your example is wrong, forward cannot be 5 on X, 5 on Y.
For example, if you want to put an object 5 meters in front of your character, you grab the actor forward, multiply it with 500, add it to your actor’s location, and there you have it. This is how you use forward, and right.
“What’s the difference between the forward vector and the X component of the forward vector?”
Plus has some confusions on vectors, which @honya15 has clarified
So answering the question that I guess is where the remaining problem is:
@1xu7, the forward vector is a unit vector that represents the direction the root of your actor is facing at. A vector can be defined by a start coordinate and an end coordinate, which gives it a magnitude and a direction. When you define the X, Y, and Z components (which makes up a coordinate) of a Vector type variable inside the engine, that’d be the end point and the start point is the world origin. Now, unit vectors have the magnitude of 1 and their starting point is the origin, so their only aspect that represents something meaningful is their direction. That’s why we use them to get the direction an actor is facing towards.
Getting at where I believe your issue is at, lemme start by giving an example. If a unit vector is (x = 1, y = 0, z = 0) in world space, and it represents the forward vector of an actor, that’d mean that the actor is at a 0 degree rotation around Z axis in world space. When you get the X component of this unit vector, you get 1 since that’s the value (not magnitude) of the X component of the vector, and similarly 0 for Y and 0 again for Z. I think the part you’re confused about is that your world is 2D therefore your character moves on a single plane, so you couldn’t see any difference between the magnitude of the unit vector and the magnitude of the X component of the unit vector, and came up with different explanations for yourself which lead you to the wrong direction. Like @honya15 has already implied, neither the unit vector nor the components of it represent a coordinate, or an actual magnitude, but only a direction!